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How many sources of Islam are there?

Sometimes, some Muslims are afraid little bit to speak what they really think about certain issues of Islam, and they don't comment stupid things some Muslims do, so that somebody would see what they think and how that thought is not generally accepted. About certain issues in Islam. I understand that, and by the way, I too sometimes avoid commenting some things I regard highly stupid, to avoid offending authors of such texts, ideas and comments.

Islam has issues, I wish those will be discussed here.

Hesitation to sometimes speak about certain things that we think are wrong, mostly because of fear of being misunderstood by our local communities. We feel that we could discuss those with friends, but not the broder community. Writing gives us chance to releive ourselves by writing about those issues that bother us. Also, we can maybe try and correct some things to bring better times to those who suffer, and there are such people, from wrongs in Islam.

Those things are regarding hadiths as holy as the Qur’an.
You will find at many places many Muslims saying “the TWO sources” of Islam, while there is either one source, which is the Qur’an, and there are also levels of that source, one being simply the words read, other being the recitation being in somebody’s “heart”and so on…

Anyway, either there is only the Qur’an as the source, or there are many sources, which relate on hadiths, but those sources are not the prophet, rather, those are “alleged prophets sayings”. There’s an entire discipline that the Muslims study, how to analyze the hadith, which ones are and which ones aren’t “real” and authentic. And while there’s no single point of view about many hadiths, the Qur’an is all equal to all. But still, the “suunis” tend to keep saying “the two sources”, or “two major sources”. But indeed, either there is one, or many. I am fine with “many”, because people developed ideas based on the Qur’an and the hadiths, and what the early Muslims did. But again, there’s only the Qur’an as a source, with other “sources” being left to be thought about, and mainly taken with a grain of salt.


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