When it is against Islam, against whom and what it actually is? Why is, for example, Tariq Ramadan defending Islam, when those who are being "The Muslims" (in the minds of those who accuse Islam of being the words religion today), don't even consider Tariq as a Muslim, at least not "the right kind of Muslim". Not only the Wahhabis, but the majority of non-Wahhabi Muslims might think that. Of course, Tariq is aware that there are millions of people who do think like him, who do consider the religion to be something related to faith, not geography, who don't blindly listen to the schollars. But the majority of vocal Muslims who get to get space in the media are the ones who would stop and think before saying "Tariq Ramadan has a point". I think at least half of the Muslims do believe that stoning is written in the Qur'an, or that it is approved by the Prophet. Large percentage of the Muslims do believe that what the schollars say is correc...
The Muslims have never been deeper in the darkness of dogma. The interpretation of Islam has never been more unreasonable. Time and knowledge go forward, Muslims' minds don't. Let's change that. I believe that the Muslims should open their eyes, and as much as possible, free themselves from the grasps of 7th century men controlled Arab society's rules. The Qur’an says so. The prophet too.