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Showing posts from July, 2017

Are Muslims Muslims? Who are Muslims today? Which Islam do we defend?

When it is against Islam, against whom and what it actually is? Why is, for example, Tariq Ramadan defending Islam, when those who are being "The Muslims" (in the minds of those who accuse Islam of being the words religion today), don't even consider Tariq as a Muslim, at least not "the right kind of Muslim". Not only the Wahhabis, but the majority of non-Wahhabi Muslims might think that. Of course, Tariq is aware that there are millions of people who do think like him, who do consider the religion to be something related to faith, not geography, who don't blindly listen to the schollars. But the majority of vocal Muslims who get to get space in the media are the ones who would stop and think before saying "Tariq Ramadan has a point". I think at least half of the Muslims do believe that stoning is written in the Qur'an, or that it is approved by the Prophet. Large percentage of the Muslims do believe that what the schollars say is correc...

Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim man?

There is a question if a Muslim woman can marry a non-Muslim man. It is widely in the Muslim world understood that only a man can marry a non-Muslim spouse, while the woman can't marry a non-Muslim spouse. Provided that the sposue is not a pagan. That is the result of long-term men rule, and manly interpretation of Islam. However, it is to say that the Qur’an doesn’t forbid a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, provided the same conditions are met as for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman. Again, provided that the spouse is not a “pagan” which doesn’t even exist any more, except in some remote parts of any country large enough to have a remote village. Since the Qur’an doesn’t forbid it, I don’t see a problem for a Muslim woman to be married to a non-Muslim guy, if he will let her practice her own religion, and make sure that he doesn’t force her into anything not allowed by Islam to be done, such is a murder, adultery, cheating, and other bad things one can do. ...

A short note about the Islam's Propeht's wives

The prophet didn't have concubines, and this is the idea that was brought to early Islam by some whom might be called the hypocrites. The Qur'an is clear about nobody but God knowing who the hypocrites are, however, after the deed is done, it is only then that we know their deeds. Still, the reasons for their action might not be intentional hypocrisy. One of the topics of Shia - Sunni split deals a little bit with a story about certain women and wives of the Prophet who may or may have not been mentioned in the Qur'an in particular way we mostly understand. Shia and Sunni disagree on certain Verses of the Qur'an, and one of the disagreements is about who is the woman whose virtue has been cleared in one of the verses. According to 80% of the Muslims, it is Aisha. According to 20%, it is Mary. And we allegedly don't know it's Mary, because of some hadiths, narrated by Aisha, who allegedly turned the story in her favor. The Shias point out to her self-confesse...