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This page is set up to help the worldly goal of educating Muslims about the wrong aspects of our religion. A lot of terrorism is rooted in Islam.
We are not trying to persuade Muslims to quit Islam, but to point out how and why we have the bad and negative side of Islam, and how the humanly errors are today the source of major misunderstanding about this religion.
To help us strive in this cause, we ask you to chip in from what you can spare, it will mean a lot to us.
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We can create lectures with topics that concern you.
We will provide the answers to your questions.
As a professional journalist, your answers will be researched, authenticated, verified. You will have references, without our personal opinions. We can, of course, provide our piece of mind as well. Religion is - what we argue - an individual experience, with unique description of all the symbols that it uses.

All this requires a lot of time, studying, and dedication. Our results - we hope - will clear path to a better world, with less violent Muslims, but who are aware of the root of terrorism in our religion.
You can also use other channels to donate to help us spread the word.


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