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Sexual crimes in Islam - no it's not rape, it's being raped (mostly)

The article points out this morality crime in the region called Aceh, in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country. The alleged criminals get a public whipping. 
The new recruit didn't have the stomach to do it right away, but she pulled her self together and flogged the alleged criminal.

This shows that the Muslim religious source produces sharia law, making human suffering because of it.
The modern Muslims will tell you it takes four witnesses to accuse of adultery. That is why Sharia police patrols in four.
The scholars must teach the floggers how to do it properly - according to them. It is unclear to me if there is a proper way of flogging described in the Hadith or the Qur'an.
Please let me know what is the proper way of flogging in your country!
They also say it is not aimed to hurt people, but to shame them so they don't do it again. This is ridiculous because there are other ways to shame somebody without flogging them.
The Shaira police spies on people even though it is forbidden to spy, according to the Hadith. Every Imam with his congregation is free to interpret the Qur'an and the Hadiths the way they want and feel. This is accepted by the Muslims. The Muslims go to the Mosques, send their kids to religious classes, and listen to the Imams. The Muslims read the books themselves, but lean on the authorities for an explanation, even for very simple ideas and Qur'anic messages.
Why do Muslims let this happen?
The Muslims believe one thing blindly, and that is the Qur'an is perfect. Every individual in this world must know how history works and how the clergy uses interpretation monopoly to produce new laws. I am talking mostly about Islam here, but this goes the same in other cultures as well.
When Muslims read Qur'an, they believe they're reading God's revelation and not divinely-inspired ideas. Some Muslims do, in fact, believe it is a man's idea, but with divine inspiration. They compare this as "wahy", the inspiration that the bees get to produce honey.
When a perfection like the Qur'an is in question, it takes a very powerful brain to understand it, is what the Muslims believe. Where does that come from? It comes from indoctrination. One of the few things little Muslims know is that the Qur'an is the only perfect book, while other religions don't have perfect books. Little Muslims grow believing that everybody has to have a religion, and a book. And that it's an imperfect book. The books in this sense were all revealed by God to certain men in history, but the followers of that man turned evil and changed the book. I was one of those kids, and that's what got me to study the Qur'an from an early age.
We believe our parents, we believe our Imams. Our parents believe our Imams, so why shouldn't we? And this is where it starts. Soon, 20 years go by, and a little boy is now 30 years old, and somebody is mocking his God by behaving inappropriately? Somewhere along the way, they told this boy how God operates, and he learned it. He was told to read the perfect book and throughout his life, he saw proof that it really is perfect. He believes in magic. And so does she. She lives in 21 century, 14 centuries since God delivered the perfect book to his Messinger. She is now free and liberated by her hijab from oppression and from and from being treated like a piece of meat. Men now don't sin by looking at her hair or her body, and she can apply to be in a squad of floggers.
They don't have any doubt that flogging a sinner will do good to everybody. There is no question if the sinner is an evil person, who mocked God by sinning. And the audience watches. A girl has had premarital sex with a man. They were caught by the Sharia police, a big brother sent by God through his apostles on earth, the representatives of Muhammad, the last Messinger. There were many before Muhammad, but none after him. After him, there are only caliphs, his heirs to morality and spirituality and knowledge. After they killed each other after they dominated one another's reign, Imams emerged. Each representing Muhammad in the best possible way, that he, Muhammad, now watches from heaven, pleased with the world he has left behind.
Some Imams believe that Muhammad doesn't watch anything. Depending on their interpretation of what Muhammad has said while he was alive, some Imams teach kids and their congregations that Muhammad is still alive, he is dead, he watches, he listens, he doesn't listen, only God watches and listens, directly, or through his angels, or through his Sharia police.
Wherever you need the sharia police, you know you don't have a god there. This Sharia police, they are this god. This executioner, she is the god. And the governor, he is also a god.
Telling the Muslims something they do is wrong bears no fruit if you don't offer them Hadith or Qur'an which says so. But even that is irrelevant if an imam didn't approve you to interpret it. Only if you are a cleric from that particular school of thought, you are relevant to contemplate the hadiths and the Qur'an. It takes luck to be heard if you don't belong to the community.
It could be better to tell such Muslims there is no god at all and that they have been lied to, then to argue about which fraction of Islam is more accurate. But then you are in danger to be killed or prosecuted, again, depending on the particular Sharia law of the country you are in.
It takes time to understand: first, make religious sources metaphoric
It takes time for Muslims to understand that there are different views about the same hadiths, even among the scholars from the same school of thought. That is why we need to be persistent in pointing out discrepancies in conclusions and in the sources as well. After the initial anger, they might think about your arguments and reconcile with themselves that something really is wrong. It is important to tell them about nature every time you talk about Islam so they can compare the imperfection of their sources. They will first be lead to consider the hadiths metaphoric, as most of them consider the Qur'an to be so. Once they settle that it's all metaphoric, the time for questioning the reason starts.
Then question the reason for those metaphors
At first, they will live with the thought that metaphors mean something in general. This is very likely to happen. And if they are willing to talk, give them time to express their feelings and their new discoveries about how they perceive God. They will soon come to the conclusion that such god is great, and that the radicals are very wrong to think it's not metaphorical.
But after a while, it will become obvious that it doesn't have any point, then. Why did God do this in the first place? He created everything and is watching his Sharia police flogging women for having sex before marriage? The answer that the Lord's ways are mysterious won't do the trick. Once a person starts compiling ideas that simply can't fit into being metaphorical, that person will start abandoning the organizational part of religion.
Let them have spirituality
A spiritual person is not very harmful, as long as he doesn't have a particular divinely inspired book that tells them what to do. It's OK to read from somebody else what you can feel and in what kind of diety can you or should you believe. But it is not OK if somebody tells you whom you should hurt.
Leave them their spirituality, it is a connection with something greater, that won't tell them to murder or hurt others.


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