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Showing posts from 2017

Muslims defend violence as if it was a mean to fight the oppression

But, what exactly oppression are we talking about? In the Middle East? It’s been a century since the Europeans went to the Arab nations to help them fight against the Islamic government, at the time situated in Turkey. However, was it really the nationalism that helped the “westerners” to persuade the Arabs to fight the Turks? Weren’t Muslims united then, if they’re not united today?

Are Muslims Muslims? Who are Muslims today? Which Islam do we defend?

When it is against Islam, against whom and what it actually is? Why is, for example, Tariq Ramadan defending Islam, when those who are being "The Muslims" (in the minds of those who accuse Islam of being the words religion today), don't even consider Tariq as a Muslim, at least not "the right kind of Muslim". Not only the Wahhabis, but the majority of non-Wahhabi Muslims might think that. Of course, Tariq is aware that there are millions of people who do think like him, who do consider the religion to be something related to faith, not geography, who don't blindly listen to the schollars. But the majority of vocal Muslims who get to get space in the media are the ones who would stop and think before saying "Tariq Ramadan has a point". I think at least half of the Muslims do believe that stoning is written in the Qur'an, or that it is approved by the Prophet. Large percentage of the Muslims do believe that what the schollars say is correc...

Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim man?

There is a question if a Muslim woman can marry a non-Muslim man. It is widely in the Muslim world understood that only a man can marry a non-Muslim spouse, while the woman can't marry a non-Muslim spouse. Provided that the sposue is not a pagan. That is the result of long-term men rule, and manly interpretation of Islam. However, it is to say that the Qur’an doesn’t forbid a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, provided the same conditions are met as for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman. Again, provided that the spouse is not a “pagan” which doesn’t even exist any more, except in some remote parts of any country large enough to have a remote village. Since the Qur’an doesn’t forbid it, I don’t see a problem for a Muslim woman to be married to a non-Muslim guy, if he will let her practice her own religion, and make sure that he doesn’t force her into anything not allowed by Islam to be done, such is a murder, adultery, cheating, and other bad things one can do. ...

A short note about the Islam's Propeht's wives

The prophet didn't have concubines, and this is the idea that was brought to early Islam by some whom might be called the hypocrites. The Qur'an is clear about nobody but God knowing who the hypocrites are, however, after the deed is done, it is only then that we know their deeds. Still, the reasons for their action might not be intentional hypocrisy. One of the topics of Shia - Sunni split deals a little bit with a story about certain women and wives of the Prophet who may or may have not been mentioned in the Qur'an in particular way we mostly understand. Shia and Sunni disagree on certain Verses of the Qur'an, and one of the disagreements is about who is the woman whose virtue has been cleared in one of the verses. According to 80% of the Muslims, it is Aisha. According to 20%, it is Mary. And we allegedly don't know it's Mary, because of some hadiths, narrated by Aisha, who allegedly turned the story in her favor. The Shias point out to her self-confesse...

Don't convert people to any religion. Obey the Humanity Code

There is no need to try to convert somebody into Islam (or any religion for that matter). People are best they way they are, that's their path. You might want to help them with home work, and help them understand the world better, or if they're going to spend time with you, you might want to guide them what you are, and how you want to be treated. Ofcourse, they'll want the treatment back. I recently saw a question about, how to convert "my dearest" to Islam? There is no need at all to convert anybody. Let's not forget that even the Prophet of Islam was said to be "only the one who reminds". So if he is "only" that, and we too become those who remind, so what does that make him? A Book bringer? No, he is the one who reminds. All other people, including us, are here to obey the humanity-code, which aren't even the 10 ancient commands. It's a couple of those: Don't hurt anybody (killing is hurting too, and it does a lot of hu...

How many sources of Islam are there?

Sometimes, some Muslims are afraid little bit to speak what they really think about certain issues of Islam, and they don't comment stupid things some Muslims do, so that somebody would see what they think and how that thought is not generally accepted. About certain issues in Islam. I understand that, and by the way, I too sometimes avoid commenting some things I regard highly stupid, to avoid offending authors of such texts, ideas and comments. Islam has issues, I wish those will be discussed here. Hesitation to sometimes speak about certain things that we think are wrong, mostly because of fear of being misunderstood by our local communities. We feel that we could discuss those with friends, but not the broder community. Writing gives us chance to releive ourselves by writing about those issues that bother us. Also, we can maybe try and correct some things to bring better times to those who suffer, and there are such people, from wrongs in Islam. Those things are regarding...

Holy Night in northern Norway

Holy Night of Ramadan in northern Norway Let me try to explain how should Muslims behave on the Holly Night of Ramadan in northern Norway. Well, there's nothing to begin with, is there, at least in summer, especially when it's the longest day in the northern hemisphere. It's an issue, isn't it, for the Muslims who live in the north, to be deprived of the holy night of Ramadan, since there is no night at all. What does it mean? It raises questions, but it doesn't really offer much answers. I haven't read a serious answer about that issue.

VIDEO: Samina Ali explains women's dress code

This TED speach, in a video published on February 10, 2017, was given by Samina Ali, an award-winning author and activist, as well as cultural commentator. 

Authenticity of Bukhari hadiths

Apparently, the Imam gave his best to put in his book only the hadiths that he thought to be authentic. And according to his conditions, they were. However, he maybe didn't count on the factor of human error and ill intent. He did denounce many hadiths that he suspected to be ill intended, or that contained errors, but there were many that still went into his book that had error. It is apparent that there are hadiths in his collection that contradict other hadiths from his collection, and there are many that contradict the Qur’an, or some others that contradict reality, but there are historically weak hadiths, that simply contradict the situation. For example, certain events, narrated by a certain "authentic" proven narator, could not be placed in that certain timeframe mentioned in the hadith itself. Some, of course, also contradict the character of the Prophet from certain other hadiths about him. We could conclude that the Prophet was a very bipolar person, shou...

Reforming Islam: Ignoring the largest narration from the prophet Muhamamd

During Muhammad's last speech that was heard by thousands of people, for which he said to be retold to those who couldn't hear, it was said - among some other nice things, such is the equality and partnership of a man and a woman - that no Arab is better than a non-Arab, neither is a non-Arab better than an Arab in religion (of Islam). I was thinking about its meaning. What ways can an Arab be better at all? Why did Muhammad chose to say those words in his last public speech, the largest speech he ever had? I think that the sentences from this particular speech deserve more attention than any other narration (hadeeth). This one, about nationality not being important is interesting and important for understanding religion. We must know that Arabs can speak Arabic. Isn't that an advantage for them in terms of understanding the Qur'an? Well, according to Qur'an - and this particular narration - it isn't. It is said in the Qur'an: 49:14 " The bedo...

Reforming Islam

I was thinking about the newest Islamic reformation. It could be that the world has seen it already, just that it means that people are simply being reformed into regular people who don't preach around, and that's why you can't see many of them. Tariq Ramadan is a man who is famous for speaking out loud what many Muslims in the world think today. So is Reza Aslan. Worldwide known Muslims who live normal lives, but who speak about Muslims being normal people. It so happens that most of the Muslims who do speak about Islam, the dogmatic version, and who are heard speaking, represent the dogmatic version, about the version in which there is Gandalf-like figure somewhere hidden behind a huge nebula in a galaxy far away from human telescopes. Sometimes, these Muslims present their God as a person not perceivable by our senses. Logical question would be - what exact use is from that untouchable God-like indescribable person? Now, there comes the dogma. The Muslims today can...

Being nervous

Nervousness usually comes when we’re caught up by what we haven’t finished, they lay behind us, and their partner – fear – slowly makes us go backwards, and when we do make a step back, we stumble upon our leftovers, hit the ground with our backs and the backs of our heads, and as karma plays with us, we don’t smash our head by a possible sharp rock and die and thus escape the shame, but we survive, with a little concussion, shameful even more that everybody sees what was our obstacle, plus the funny fall. It’s incredible how humans don’t take advice. Whole our life it seems that those who do accept advice just waste time by listening what others do to them, that they’re preparing to be humble servants of others, but we fail to see that we don’t even have somebody to not take advice from – we’re alone. Because, who wants to give advice to a stubborn person, to somebody who has to stumble upon their own mistakes to take a lesson. Who doesn’t take other people’s advice, surely will ...

Revision of a post

Hello folks, I’ve decided to try this out again, to reactivate my blogging, but I also wanted to test the themes for the blog. This one seems O.K., it looks “professional. Anyway, if you ever get to read anything from me, and do notice changes in layout, that’s because I’m gonna test which one I like. By the way, you can suggest something, so please be welcomed. I guess there is a comment section for your suggestions.

Gaining publicity by any means

News try to achieve clicks and sales by using tricks, not quality. That's why we see titles, mainly on online portals, being unfinished, not revealing anything. Some go to that extent to only say: "You won't believe what happened with this (particular guy)", without giving absolutely no traces of at least where the guy is, what's the general situation. Sometimes, they add the situation, but it's still repulsing. Like: "Look at what happened when this guy stood in front of a lion." I was kind of used to see that being used by gossip trash papers, or trash portals. But now we see sports related portals are doing it, I mean, you don't need to trick people to click your portal, they're sport lovers, they're gonna read your portal anyway - they're here for the sport, and there is always a lot of sport. But, even they can't rely on having so many sports being sported every day. Why? I don't know. People are, I guess, just browsing...