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What do different perceptions of God mean?

There are as many perceptions of a god, as much as there are people in this world, who believe in a god. So, what does that mean? What do different perceptions of god tell us about God?
It will only get to be tested after the new generation in the free world grows up and can tell us what do they think about religious groups and religious people. The religious groups have for a long time now been ridiculed and laughed at, but what's still left is "spirituality".
But what is behind spirituality? We today have this phenomenon mostly because of the influence of the religion on our lives; the lives of us as social creatures. We have a civilization and one of the drivers of civilization has been religion. From the first written document to even this one, people have been discussing deities. Literally. 
It has been indoctrinated in us that there is or at least that there might be a god. We're only now giving birth to groups of humans who will be growing in a society in which there doesn't necessarily have to be a god at all. This social phenomenon that some religious folks use as evidence of a god being incorporated into our DNA, might be in relation to the fear of the dark: we were once afraid that a night predator might jump at us and eat us. Now, we're afraid that a ghost, a creature that lives in a world with a god, would jump at us.
People against whom God has spoken, in religions that have special books, from the past couple of millennia also have this possibility of the existence of divinity in their DNA. Women, and homosexual people, African people, generally other people than a whitish man, or in the beginning, a middle eastern man have always been described as something with which God's Apostol on Earth deals with. Biblical religions (with the book), or Abrahamic, have inherited myth that a God first created a man, and then from him everybody else. Nature is clearer by being obvious, that the miracle of birth is exclusive to female, or whatever word we want to give to the gender that gives birth. 
Originally, the species of biology simply divided, which has evolved to become a birth in some of the species - the one we belong to at least. So, it's clear that the original reproduction favored having a female to reproduce. It's clearly man-oriented to even think differently. And that is what religion is. 
When we look today as humans and observe animal herds, packs, and flocks, we see how mostly the males dominate the groups of animals. It's absolutely the same as what the civilization was until lately, an evolution of the human herd was slow in rebuffing this feature of society. Only recently a woman became a partner in being a human. And we are witnessing today this still taking place in the Muslim world. Women are only now getting out of the shadow imposed by men. Homosexuals have been only recently started emerging as individuals from hiding out.
One would think, looking from the side, that women and homosexuals would instinctively think that the god story is a hoax, but strangely, a lot of individuals still feel that the world needed a creator and that the creator is God. Obviously, being impossible to reconcile what God said about them, the women and the homosexuals, they opted for shaping their own version of God, and explaining how the religious books were influenced by the clergy throughout the centuries. 
Nobody dared to question the prophets, sons of God, and whatnot characters. Somehow, those figures were taken for granted, and a wrong starting point emerged. From such perspective, people have tried to shape a god in their own image. 
This is what we all do, each of us has something in the holy book with which we don't agree, or can't understand as real. So we instantly - without questioning anything but us - turn to find answers to questions we raised based on nothing. Nobody forced us to have it in our minds, but we gave birth to such thoughts, and then started breeding that thought.
Every individual has a different perception of God, regardless of what that God says about how we feel and what we are. If we don't understand the benefit, necessity or possibility of beating women, we simply ignore the Qur'an in that section, push it out until we're cornered, and after that, we start making up explanations. And it could be that the reason due to which we can't understand the benefit or need for God to suggest that men can beat their wives in even a very special circumstance, is the fact that we've grown in a world in the time in which the civilization has grown out of this comprehension of a man as a supreme leader.
And even then, nobody questions God, but our own understanding of what God wanted to tell us. As a result of playing with what God wanted to tell us by "...and (if necessary), beat your wives..." we even have mistranslations, really weird explanations, but all although from the day one of that particular verse in the Qur'an, nobody bothered much with explaining it. If you read hadiths, you would notice that people had understood it pretty straight forward, and several hadiths describe that even Muhammad understood it that way. 
Wives were beaten in front of Muhammad, and he never bothered to explain that God didn't mean to allow the beating of a wife.
Such God also indicated that homosexuals should be killed, and the early Muslims understood that they should be thrown off the buildings to die. Nobody then bothered to explain that homosexual individuals are just like regular humans with all civil and human rights that other (hu)men have. Or women, for that matter. Or slaves.
But, today's homosexuals simply believe in God. Not that God who wanted to kill them. But some other, good God, who actually hasn't spoken to anybody, a God who doesn't have any prophets. Or sometimes even does, but simply, the words from the holy books were misunderstood - by those prophets too, as we saw in the example of wife-beating in front of the prophet Muhammad. Or the slaves around God's Son, Jesus. Or the slaves and women around God's special prophet Moses. So maybe yes that God, maybe not, but a god surely, because we believe that somebody has had to create everything, all of this could have not been started on its own.
Well, for that, we'll simply have to learn more about nature.
To learn about nature, and how the world really began, regardless of do you think it was God who orchestrated the movement of everything, I will provide a few books.


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